Sunday, October 4, 2009


As the dreaded birthday neared, I decided they don't make diapers for four year-olds. The end has come. We are in potty training mode now. We will have no more diapers on any bum in this house again. Since Friday, I have had four naked four year old kids going on the floor ten times a day, each. I have been getting my exercise for sure! Of course they all want to go at the same time. No, I didn't think to get the little potties all in a row until the first day was over. I thought they would take turns. Ha ha ha ha! We have four toilets, luckily. Not so luckily they are spread out over three floors of the house. I have been running - literally running- up and down those stairs every 20-30 minutes! Whew! I need to catch my breath just thinking about it....

Who would have known I needed to explain better than, "Put the pee pee in the potty or you will be wet. Stink goes there too, okay?"

"Okay mommy!" They all cheered in excited unison. "We're big now!"

Day two Brenden comes to me and says, "These pants are broken! They have a hole in them. I need new pants!" I change his wet clothes and we practice sitting on the potty again. Some time later he returns. "These pants have a hole in them. They are broken! I need new pants! I get wet. I need new pants!" I finally get it and tell him all the pants will have holes in them. He will get wet if he doesn't use the potty. He says, "I need a diaper. I don't want to be wet." (Insert picture of lower lip curled waaaayy out here.) Well, after we figured that out he has done much better. He loves to get treats!

The other kids are progressing alright. Evan is really good and will go without asking or telling me now. I just need to remind him he needs to put his clothes back on when he is done. I will find him running down the hall in the buff. "Evan! Why are you naked?" Thinking oh, no! Where is the mess he got himself out of? "I put pee pee in da podee" then he leads me to it and smiles! I would say he is about done. He doesn't needa treat everytime anymore. Marek can't figure out how to get there in time yet, at least not for the most important part. Lily is still content to sit in the yuck. Eeew!

I thought we had laundry before, ha! I am just glad we have enough toilets to have a spare!

Oh, their birthday was good too. They got lots of books, a great soap mold kit like playdo for the tub, and some puppets. Even though I said we didn't need any gifts. It wasn't too much though. Thanks everyone!

Steve has the day off work tomorrow to help finish off the potty training (hopfully it will be finished after one more day!) Stephen and Dallas have been helping remind the kids and taking them to a far off potty while I was with another kid already. What a lucky mom I am to have such good helpers! Of course, they got just as many treats as the kids did, after all, they went on the potty too!


  1. Have fun with the soap/playdoh for the tub. Megan got some too and it clogged the drain. It was a mess. Fun but messy. We tossed the "soap" and put the toys with the playdoh.
